
Coach Training

Thank you for volunteering to coach or lead a team this fall.  AYSO provides online and in-person training for new coaches  that can be access and/or registered through SportsConnect to the eTrainU. Learning Management System.  Follow the instructions and guide in the box to the left to get started. 

For Fall 2024,  we encourage newer coaches - particularly at the U8 and U10 level to  take both online an in-person field session training.  Please. explore options through eTrainU to get started.  

Palo Alto is currently leveraging training from other nearby regions for in-person work so we encourage you to search for Mt. View, Sunnyvale, RedwoodCity or further for courses that fit your schedule and please enroll in advance so the instructor expects you.  Here are some that we are aware of:

AYSO Coach Certification: 

For 6U and 8U coaches,  AYSO certification can be obtained by either the self-paced online training provided by eTrainU or by a scheduled in person classroom session (preregistraiton required via eTrainU). 

For 10U coaches, there are 2 components to  coach certification

For 12U coaches, there are 3 components to certification:  

14U coach certification is the Intermediate Coach course:

Scheduled Trainings - Fall 2024

Current trainings that we know of are listed on this Spreadsheet  

Training Resources 

Thank you for Volunteering to participate and enrich the lives of children through sport.  

AYSO's training LMS is eTrainU and can be accessed through your  SportsConnect account.   To  get started, please review our Volunteer Training Guide  to learn how to use the resource.  

Please note, in order to access eTrainU, you must first complete the Volunteer registration process by selecting "find Volunteer roles"  selecting a role (referee, coach)  and completing the disclosure forms and background check.