Recreational Soccer

Recreational Programs 

Balanced programs where everyone plays

Our Recreational Soccer program (also referred to as Core)  is the foundational soccer program for most players.  Whether you are looking for a competitive or  instructional  environment, AYSO Recreational soccer is built on Balanced Teams  and puts emphasis on player growth through team experience.s  Recreational players are welcome at most levels of experience and backgrounds - beginners and experienced - everyone grows and improves, and Everyone PlaysOpen Registration ensures that anyone who wants to play has the opportunity to participate. 

The AYSO approach to soccer takes a graduated approach where teams play on fields and teams sized  with rules appropriate to the age division.  Positive Coaching and Player Development are foundational to our success and with it, players learn Good Sportsmanship.  

Recreational Soccer engages competitively too. Teams U10 and above have opportunities to participate in tournaments including the Area 2J tournament in late Nov/Dec.   Teams that have full volunteer participation are given priority for tournament slots.  

U6:  Plays 4 on 4 games, 1 hour session of practice and games per week.  For Fall 2024, the expectation is that we will have sessions on Sunday mornings (specific time TBD) at a local Palo Alto field.  Trained parent coaches engage kids in drills and lead the games. Other parents will be expected to help with field management.   There will be a parent meeting in late August,  first session begins Sept 15th and continues for 9 weeks.  Please contact the U6 coordinator if you have further questions.  

U8: Plays either 4v4 or 5v5 (TBD, depending on team sizes) games - typically one group will split to 2 simultaneous games side by side each Saturday, typically in the morning.  There are no goalies at this level. Teams will practice 1 hour on two weekday afternoons each week led by a trained parent coach.  Besides parent coaches,  other team parents will be expected to referee and volunteer  for other roles. 

U10: Plays 7v7 (including goalie) on a small sided field.  with complete play including goalies.   Practices will take place at a local park or elementary school twice a week for 1 hour and teams are coached by trained parent coaches.  Depending on the number of teams, games can be local or interlocked with nearby regions.  Teams are also expected to have volunteer referees available for home and away games as well as volunteers for other team support roles.  

U12: Plays 9v9 (including goalie) on a medium field.   Practices will take place at a local park or elementary school twice a week for 90 minutes and teams are coached by trained parent coaches.  Games are interlocked with other nearby regions and may be Saturday mornings or afternoons.  Teams are also expected to have volunteer referees available for home and away games as well as volunteers for other team support roles.  

U14 - U19: Plays full 11 v 11 on a regular size field.  Practices will take place at a local park or elementary school twice a week for 90 minutes and teams are coached by trained parent coaches.  Games are interlocked with other nearby regions.  Teams are also expected to have volunteer referees available for home and away games as well as volunteers for other team support roles.  

Playground and SchoolYard soccer are our U5 and U4 programs and focus on early soccer skills development.  Fall 2022 expects games on Sunday afternoons. More details to come... 

Spring 2025 Registration

Recreational team programs from U6 through U12 will begin training in March. 

If you are invited to a Select (competitive) team, please register for our Spring Programs and you will be assigned to the Select team that you were assigned to via tryouts.  Additional team information on uniforms, competition schedule as well as team fees will be communicated separately.